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Today I’m sitting down with Nyree (aka the queen of Newport and someone who has WAY too much energy for 5am each morning) to ask her a few quick q’s. Nyree brings so much energy to our Newport studio, and her classes are ALWAYS full of spice… something i’m sure you’ve all become well acquainted with.

Nyree has over 15 years of experience in group fitness, personal training, mat and reformer pilates, and I am honestly so inspired by her passion and love for reformer. She is always keen to get on that bed, and her enthusiasm is second to none.

It is very fitting that this post has (coincidentally) coincided with our girl's birthday! ALIGNMENT!! So, in honour of her birthday, it's time for you to all learn a little more about our CC babe, Nyz.

Enjoy this read my loves.

Indi xx

Describe yourself in 3 words.


Can you tell us a bit about how you got started working in the pilates space?

Pilates was my go-to exercise after I had children & I’ve never turned back. I was enrolled to complete my instructor certificate years ago. I then got super sick, and the pandemic hit following that. When Core Culture opened in Newport, I met Indi a couple weeks prior to the opening and we just hit it off. You know what they say, timing is everything, and i just knew it was the right time for me to finally complete my certificate and get into it!

What do you love most about being a Core Culture trainer?

What’s not to love!?

Core Culture started in my hometown, the community is the bloody best, the studios are Luxe & my boss has become one of my closest friends. It makes going to ‘work’ so EASY!!

And if you weren’t a Pilates teacher/fitness trainer, what do you think you’d be doing instead?

I was a PT before I became a Pilates instructor, so I imagine I would still be in the fitness industry somehow... maybe in Nutrition or Naturopathy?

What does a day in the life of Nyree look like?

A day in my life...well, I have 3 VERY active kids. So, I always start my day with a Pilates session, walk, or swim in the ocean before they wake & of course, COFFEE. I always try to make sure I give myself at least a hour a day.

Then it’s your usual go, go, go, as a mum. I am a quite literally a taxi driver with only three clients. Ballet, soccer, play dates, you name it! I spend my life getting them to activities between teaching at CC throughout the day.

Where can we find you on the weekend?

You can find me either at Core Culture, at the beach, or around a sporting field watching my kids.

What is one thing you wish you could tell your younger self?

The one thing I would tell my younger self is travel more & be ok with being by yourself.

CC Quickie:
Your coffee order?

Regular long black

Next destination on your travel bucket list?


Favourite CC Class Style?

Cult classic.... with lots of glutes and legs!

What are you reading or watching atm?

I’m watching 4 shows at the moment... Ginny & Georgia, Emily in Paris, My Unorthodox life & the Meagan & Harry doco.

Go-to activewear styling piece?

Ohhhh this a hard one .. nothing beats a good crop (CCTL of course). I love a good bike short in the summer & CCTL tights on the cooler days. I do also love a good Nagnata set for something a little different!

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